What Your Company Needs to Know About China’s Personal Information Protection Law

By Clarip, Inc. (other events)

Thursday, September 23 2021 2:00 PM 3:00 PM EST

Join Clarip on Sept 23, 2021 at 2 pm ET to learn about the new and sudden China's Personal Information Protection Law.

The Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), enacted by the People's Republic of China, burst onto the data privacy scene. Whereas the EU provided over 2 years notice before the General Data Protection Regulation became effective and the various state data privacy laws in the United States have all provided at least 18 months from the passage of the law until its effective date, the PIPL has a mere 74 days between the law being passed and going into effect. In this webinar, Clarip will discuss important key responsibilities, enforcement and how your organization can prepare for the China PIPL.

        Andy Sambandam
        Entrepreneur, Technologist,
        Founder and CEO of Clarip

        Sam Winslow
        Data Privacy Manager
        and Counsel at Clarip