The Future of North American Data Privacy

By Clarip, Inc. (other events)

Thursday, March 24 2022 2:00 PM 3:00 PM EST

By 2023, 65% of the world's population will have their personal information covered under modern privacy regulations. Today that number is close to 30%. And in addition, only 12% of the US population is covered by modern privacy regulations. The addition of laws in Virginia and Colorado will bring the US to 16% coverage. Of that 16%, many Americans are still completely unaware of what personal information is being collected and how it is being used.

This may all change in 2022. At least fifteen state legislatures are poised to consider CCPA-like consumer privacy legislation in 2022 with lawmakers in Arizona, Connecticut, Florida, Minnesota, Mississippi, and Washington confirming they will be introducing bills, a bill already being pre-filed in Maryland, and eight states with bills that will carry over from the 2021 session. How will these bills shape the US protection of data privacy? With only 12% of Americans covered by modern privacy regulations today, compared to nearly 30% of the global population, will we continue to fall behind in privacy?  Will states take the lead on US privacy?  Or will federal legislation finally be passed?

Join Clarip on February 24, 2022 at 2 pm ET to learn about The Future of North American Privacy.


        Andy Sambandam
        Entrepreneur, Technologist,
        Founder and CEO of Clarip

        Sam Winslow
        Data Privacy Manager
        and Counsel at Clarip