Privacy Management and Data Governance

By Clarip, Inc. (other events)

Thursday, October 21 2021 2:00 PM 3:00 PM EST

As data breaches continue to accelerate and privacy regulations continue to proliferate, organizations are struggling to excel with both privacy management and data governance. Exacerbating the struggle is the fact that the two issues are often handled completely separately by two different departments of an organization.  Clarip discusses the What, How, and Why of proper privacy management and data governance with a robust and powerful data privacy program.

Join Clarip on October 21, 2021 at 2 pm ET to learn about Privacy Management and Data Governance.


        Andy Sambandam
        Entrepreneur, Technologist,
        Founder and CEO of Clarip

        Sam Winslow
        Data Privacy Manager
        and Counsel at Clarip