What Your Company Needs to Know about the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act

By Clarip, Inc. (other events)

Thursday, June 24 2021 2:00 PM 3:00 PM EDT

Join Clarip on June 24, 2021 at 2 pm ET to learn about the new Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act.

Under the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act, consumers will gain rights to access, correct, and delete their personal data, as well as a right to opt-out of processing for purposes of targeted advertising, sale of personal data, and profiling. Virginia will be the first state to require companies to obtain consent for collection and processing of sensitive data, such as data revealing racial and ethnic origin, religious beliefs, mental and physical health, sexual orientation, citizenship and immigration status, biometric and geolocation data, and data from a known child. 


        Andy Sambandam
        Entrepreneur, Technologist,
        Founder and CEO of Clarip

        Michael A. Shapiro
        Senior Counsel and Director,
        Data Privacy at Clarip